What is Discern?

Discern is a compliance operating system. 

The goal of Discern is to automate compliance for businesses, so that they can focus on what matters most. 

Before we started Discern, we found that for most companies, compliance matters are often handled by a small team of non-specialists. Even worse, this group is often made up of the executives of the company, becoming a stressful, costly, inefficient use of time. Even today, unlike accounting, payments, or other key operations functions, there is no way to automate or manage compliance easily.

So we built Discern to automate compliance. We’re starting with entity compliance because keeping track of entity compliance requirements is difficult - each state in the US has different requirements for when an entity needs to register in its state. For example, whenever you hire someone, lease office space, generate certain levels of revenue, or do a variety of other things in a new state, you may have a requirement to “foreign register” there or pay franchise taxes. Even for the most organized business, it’s complicated and distracting.

Most businesses have a hard time understanding their compliance requirements. The rules change constantly, are often written unclearly, include little guidance, and worse, the way you would even meet the requirements is confusing. They may require you to use physical mail, a webform that’s unreadable on a mobile device, or submit a wet signature. 

Discern is here to make things clear and simple, and to automate wherever possible, so that you can focus on what makes your business great. You can read more about everything Discern does here.

Are you ready to stop worrying about compliance?

The Discern Team
Published Date
January 27, 2025

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